The Placement Year

For each student on the Tonmeister programme the third year of registration is normally a Professional Training Year (PTY), during which they will be working for an employer in the audio industry. The PTY scheme has advantages for employers and for students...

For Employers

This leaflet explains the gist of the placement scheme, gives some examples of how it might help you as an employer, and mentions a few of the other employers who use it: TonmeisterPlacements.pdf

Employers who have registered their intention to offer a placement this year can view shortlists of candidates plus CVs on our Members Only Website.

For further information please contact the Tonmeister Senior Professional Training Tutor.

For Students

The placement year forms an important part of your education and aims to develop your professional, practical, interpersonal, organisational, and creative &/or technical skills, and to allow you to apply some of the theory that you have learned in the first two years of the programme. Full placement scheme details for current students are available in the programme handbooks and module descriptions but, as a taster, here (in no particular order) is what some of the students on placement in 2022/23 thought were the 5 'coolest' (i.e. most useful, interesting, remarkable, exciting, impressive, enjoyable, etc.) things about their placements...

Abbie : ICP Recording Studios : Assistant Engineer

Adam : Sound Disposition : Sound Assistant

Alex : Ben Holland Sound : Sound Engineer / Dubbing Assistant

Alex : Wells Cathedral School : Music Tech Intern (Tonmeister)

Alex : Graveney School : Music Technician

Alexander : Floating Earth : Assistant Sound Engineer

Annie : Abbey Road Studios : Studio Runner

Becks : Royal Academy of Music : Studio Recording Assistant

Ben : AIR Studios : Runner

Caitlin : Ben Holland Sound : Sound engineer/dubbing assistant

David : Menuhin School : Placement Technician

Ethan : ICP Studios : Assistant Engineer

Flaminia : Sky Post-Production Services : Trainee Audio Dubbing Mixer

Hannah : Guildhall School of Music and Drama : Recording and AV Intern

Joe : Vivid Broadcast : Sound Assistant/Guarantee

Louis : Real World Studios : Assistant Engineer

Maisie : Guildhall School of Music and Drama : Recording and AV Intern

Michael : Storm Events : Assistant Broadcast Technician

Milan : HotHouse Music : Assistant Score Co-ordinator

Noah : The Dairy Ltd : Studio Assistant

Stephanie : Hoare Lea : Acoustician

Will : Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance : Studio Intern